
Day 8 - Relax!

Leftover lunch crepes were followed by chicken cordon bleu. mmmm...not much else to the day. We spent most of it sitting around outside in the sun and cleaning up the inside of the boat. It is amazing how junk can accumulate. I have laundry sorted, and once we get the generator up and running for the day, we are going to run a batch through the washer. Clean clothing again! To minimize the generator time and still stay fairly decent, we are on a shower rotation. Tomorrow is mine, and then three days from then.

Poseidon had a great time yesterday "helping" clean. I was moving items forward primarily, and he would randomly move some of them back. At least the overall progress was in the correct direction. He took a nice long nap locked into the crew bunk (his usual bed that has been usurped by his cousin for the trip) so the adults hung out in the cockpit and rested. As much work as the days have seemed, this was a welcome break. Afterwards we all were inside for the start of a Phase 10 card game. There are currently two people on phase 5 two on phase 4 and one on phase 2. Poseidon was happily rolling an empty water bottle around and gnawing on legos while we dueled it out until dinnertime.

Watch last night was choppy. We were running under the double reefed main and half-jib...not sure if I mentioned that we brought down the mizzen Saturday when we started running. It tends to destabilize in that situation. We had ~8 foot following swells with a wind-generated beam wave on a periodicity of about 5 minutes. Most of these were breaking about 20-30 feet before they hit us, but every so often one would break close and we would get quite a ride. Not the ideal seas, but we made it through unscathed...windward lookouts were a little damp by morning. It looks like we will continue running most of the way over. We should hit half-way before my next post. So, I will let you know how the celebration goes! Oh, and we set clocks back this morning one hour for the first time. Probably a little late, but daylight was getting off with the sun not setting until 2200 and rising around 0700.

Posit: 24 24.042N 34.12.489W

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