
Day 14 - A Calm Morning

Poseidon and I spent the entire morning together. We picked out specific colored lego blocks, we read, we watched Daddy change out the external fuel pump...

The fuel pump is in a space that opens up from the cockpit and you climb down into. Poseidon watched intently from the top, trying to help in every way possible. He has recently learned to climb taller things (He was able to hold onto the top of our table and scamper up the leaf the other day...at sea...), so wanted to climb up on the lazarette, hurtle himself down into Daddy's lap, and help up. Once I had thwarted that plan, it was onto "Plan B." Plan B seemed to involve pulling as many wrenches out of the wrap as possible. If it was 5/8" or bigger, then it would be held over Daddy's head in the hole. I am not sure if he was mimicking my brother-in-law the tool holder (N.C. for short) or trying to fight his way in. Either way, we took them away from him as quickly as possible.

He then moved on to raisin munching with his aunt and me. We laugh because he makes grapes...his system doesn't necessarily process everything...

I had a little napper on my chest outside for about 45 minutes as well. If you have children, you know this feeling of bliss. He was curled up drooling in my arms while I watched my husband work. Not a bad way to spend the morning.

The afternoon was back to sail repairs. Yes, they tore that much that I am still working on it. I should be done today. We'll take pictures of my Frankenstein stitches so you can see the effort and post them on Picasa. We also have pictures of the burned foot we'll put up as well. The blister this morning is amazingly huge on the top. One of the little ones on the toe popped yesterday then resealed. The one between my toes is expanding.

And, lastly, yesterday's post is going out with this one. Sorry for the delay, but we missed the window for the HF transmission. It's similar to a shuttle launch, atmospheric propagation comes and goes in a wave form. There is you lesson for the day. You have now learned something and can go relax until tomorrow. (If you're still trying to figure out what yesterday's was...try translating 0100 UTC to local time at your location.) :)

Posit: 22 37.291N 48 52.834W

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