
Day 5 - Sunrises and Retronasal Smelling (Part 1 of 3)

No. They have nothing in common.

I was up (0030-0530 watch) for sunrise, and will say this. Tommorow I am taking pictures for everyone. I don't care if I can't post them until landfall. The skies out here are too amazing not to share. Good sailing through the morning, and then the engine had to be turned on for a few hours. Mark made eggs for breakfast, as I napped early. I made pizza for lunch. Same breadmaker recipe we used at the HI-SEAS workshop. We threw on some THRIVE meats with mozzarella. It was extremely tasty, and I have a doughball for next week.

The retronasal smelling...(spell check doesn't like that word)

If you leave the hatch closed in a head, no matter how clean everyone is, it smells. So, one head we can leave open. One would get too much water, so only gets aired when it REALLY needs it. I had a couple of jelly beans left in my hand and, in a reminder of Ithica with the HI-SEAS crew, decided to conduct an experiment in retronasal smelling in the head. Yes. I did. And, yes, the head is surprisingly pleasant with a mouthful of jelly beans. I can now patently recommend it to anyone. I write this warily as I am afraid I may lose my jelly beans. That, my friends, would be a sad day. No, I am not defining retronasal, I am sure if you are reading this you have access to a dictionary. :)

Also, since I have mentioned them here, please check out http://www.hi-seas.org. That is the crew doing the Mars food study on Hawai'i that I am an alternate for. Cheers to you guys if you read this! Miss you and hope all is well in the hab! If you send me an email, I may share my new and improved pie crust recipe. ;)

Position at editing: N29.20.181N 157.16.031W @1049 27.6.13

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