
Day 1 - Regurgitation and Cleaning (Saturday)

The breakfast cobbler apparently went everywhere in the kitchen last night. So, not only am I bagging up large amounts of soiled laundry, I get to scrub the kitchen floor. Yay! Ok, so yesterday was not all that bad...(I write these in the morning about the previous day.)

We are now running the jib half out and the mizzen. The seas are quite rough, but so blue and Poseidon and Laralei are watching them non-stop. We had 30+ knots and I saw one rail in the water with waves over the other. To me, it was beautiful. Then I get "You're not worried?" I guess I should be but we were running so smooth. The wind had started flattening the seas. I could have just raced on like that forever. Or, at least until we ended up sideways. Luckily, my better half turned on the engine and sent me to the helm to lower the main. But, it was one of those perfect moments at sea.

The little ones are still puking, but not every time they eat. And, they eat like ravenous, well, children at each meal or snack. Hopefully they can spend more time inside tomorrow. Uncle has managed to make it to the v-Berth. He just lays there...all day...not moving...at least he is done puking, I think. He came out and ate dinner last night but not tonight. Both Poseidon and I lost our chili. Laralei, the cracker eater, was probably the smartest of us. And, she was good all night. Yes, I puked. I know, I never get sea sick. These first two days are about the roughest seas we have seen, but at least we are able to keep the heading we want and we haven't had to turn on the engine yet except to reef.

Position at writing: N24.16.835 W158.39.045 @0947 23.6.13 (halfway between Oahu and the Musicians on our map!)

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