
Day 0 - Murphy in a Box

Dad was referencing the infamous Murphy a number of times in the week before our departure. Apparently, Poseidon decided that was an acceptable name...for a snail. Yes, he and Grandma found a snail. They picked it up, and begged for a box. Murphy is now living in a box by the crew berth eating cabbage. Hopefully, this keeps him out of our hair for the voyage. If this works, however, I cannot vouch for the future safety of snails in Hawaii. They may just become a hot commodity. Need I mention that Poseidon also managed to get a baby lizard in his pocket? No clue how, but it has no tail and is keeping Murphy company. If it lives, I may name it Noah. These are in addition to our two fish Maunu the Second and Mahemahe. Their house lives in the sink when we sail. Apparently, swimming in the tank is hard work when sailing. They eat twice as much food as in port.

In other areas, we have a tear in a batten box, on the main sail, right by those reef points that tore last time...sigh...luckily (?) we have ridiculous enough winds to keep it reefed down until I can fix it. Which is good, as the children decided to spend the night praying to the porcelain god. I told Laralei (Sister just wasn't working for me) that I did not expect to be holding her over the toilet until at least college age. She just giggled. Yes, giggled. While puking her poor, little guts out. At least they are in good humor. The rest of the crew is outside puking, so at least I felt good to be in bed, until I had to strip it at 0300.

OH, and the Day 0 is because we got underway at dinnertime. Not much of a day. And, we left on a Friday, which is apparently not common. Good thing we have Murphy locked up.

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