
Brain Dump - Incoming

Tomorrow morning will start posts as quickly as I can type them, and watch Poseidon.  Why, you ask?  Although I do like to read myself in print, it is actually time for the lessons learned from Transpac!! :)  I know you have all been waiting breathlessly for this.  In order to give some semblance of order to them, I am going to arrange them in a way that is easy for me, by compartment starting at the bow.  Then, I will go to the outside of the boat.  Don't worry, if you are looking for something specific, I will be sure to label well.  Please let me know, however, if I need to adjust labels...I may or may not agree.

Now that we are back from a couple of months on land...job forced...I will also be renewing my Sunday morning posts separately as well.  If you want to read about our land adventures, check out The Airport Stalker.  I am still updating this too, so check back often!
